(As adopted in May 2000)
1. Name
The Association shall be called “Warwickshire Squash and Racketball Association” (WSRA).
2. General
The SRA has incorporated the British Racketball Association and all references to “squash” shall be deemed to include “racketball”.
3. Objectives
a) To represent England Squash & Racketball (formally the The Squash Rackets Association) and act on its behalf and under its authority within geographical boundaries of Warwickshire as defined and agreed by England Squash & Racketball.
b) To maintain and uphold the rules and objectives of the National Governing Body (England Squash& Racketball).
c) To adopt and implement England Squash & Racketball child protection guidelines and procedures.
d) To maintain an Equal Opportunities Policy and to ensure that county practices and procedures reflect equal opportunity. To act without distinction of sex, or of political, racial, national, religious, or other opinions.
e) To promote and encourage the game of squash and to further its growth and development at all levels within the county in conjunction with England Squash & Racketball initiatives.
f) To train, select and manage county teams for inter county matches; to arrange individual county championships and other competitions as it shall deem necessary for the fulfilment of objectives.
4. Members
Clubs, organisations and individuals who are appropriately affiliated to England Squash & Racketball.
5. Subscriptions
a) Members shall pay to the England Squash & Racketball, subscriptions determined from time to time by its Board of Directors and published as a Byelaw of the Association.
b) Members shall pay to WSRA any league fees and levies set by the WSRA as determined at the Annual General Meeting of the WSRA.
c) Any fees due to WSRA shall be paid by 1st August if related to winter league activity and by 1st April for summer league. If league fees and or levies remain unpaid three months after the due date, the member shall immediately be suspended and forfeit all rights within the WSRA until such fees are paid.
d) Any organisation or individual wishing to return from suspension will be responsible for payment of any outstanding liabilities incurred earlier and remaining unpaid.
6. Management
The powers vested in the Management Committee relate generally to the requirements that are necessary to enable the fulfilment of objectives of the WSRA as stated in section 3. These powers include:
a) Determining policies in harmony with those of the National Governing Body, appoint an England Squash & Racketball Council delegate, decide on matters referred to by the England Squash and seek guidance from England Squash & Racketball if necessary, on legal matters
b) Creating such sub-committees as deemed necessary, e.g. coaching, disciplinary, juniors, league, selection and ensure that actions and decisions of the sub-committees are ratified
c) Ensuring that the day to day running of the County Association is competent, determining the level of league fees and levies employing county funds in such a manner as deemed most effective and in the best interest of the WSRA. Nominating authorised cheque signatories: at least two signatures will be required when funds are drawn from the county’s account
d) Co-opting members to fill vacant positions on the Management Committee
e) Deciding on county awards for distribution or merit and to propose higher awards to England Squash & Racketball
f) The Management Committee shall consist of members elected annually to cover the following positions: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, League Secretary, Juniors Rep, Child Welfare, Mens Teams, Womens Teams, Events organiser, media officer, referees rep, council rep, coaching, sponsorship/marketing, volunteer manager, clubs rep. At least Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, League Secretary, Juniors Rep, Mens and Womens Teams positions must be filled by different persons. Additionally, a person is allowed to hold 2 positions, but no more, and in this case will still have only one vote.
g) At least 3 members of the management committee shall be of the opposite gender.
h) Additional (non voting) members may be coopted to the Committee as deemed appropriate.
i) A quorum for the committee shall be 4 but must include 2 from Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
7. League
a) The Warwickshire SRA Leagues will be open to teams whose home venue is currently and appropriately affiliated to England Squash & Racketball. Affiliation fees to be paid by 1st August or 2 months after a renewal notice is issued.
b) The Team entry fee will be determined at the AGM of the Warwickshire SRA and is due, at the latest, by 1st August. Teams whose fees have not been paid by 1st September will be excluded from the league.
c) A League secretary, under the jurisdiction of the WSRA Management Committee will be responsible for routine activities. Changes to the rules must be proposed at the WSRA AGM and each club will have 1 vote.
d) Divisional trophies are the property of WSRA will be held for one year by the winning team/club but are to be returned to the league secretary within 14 days on request.
e) Every England Squash & Racketball affiliated club within the defined WSRA boundaries is required to send a representative to the WSRA AGM. Penalty for non attendance is £50.
f) Detailed league rules will be maintained as an Appendix to this constitution.
8. Annual General Meeting
a) The AGM will be held during May or June each year.
b) Not less than 21 days written notice shall be given to clubs and organisations, stating the business to be transacted and providing a copy of the previous AGM minutes.
c) Copies of the current Annual report and current balance sheet should be provided – in advance preferably, but at least handed out before the meeting commences.
d) Mandatory items for the AGM are – Approval of previous minutes and matters arising, annual report incorporating league results, adoption of the accounts, election of management committee, league rule changes, other business (subject to fulfilling the appropriate notice period)
e) Any other business items should reach the secretary in writing at least 7 days before the AGM
f) All nominations for elections shall be proposed and seconded by a current member entitled to vote at an AGM and shall be made in writing to the secretary at least 7 days before the AGM.
g) All affiliated clubs and organisations are required to appoint and send at least one nominated representative to the AGM to vote on their behalf. Absent clubs shall be subject to a fine of £50.
h) Voting, when required, shall be conducted by ballot of members present and entitled to vote. Each ballot paper shall show the name of the member organisation, representative and the way the vote is cast in support or against the motion. In the event of a tie, the Management Committee Chair has a casting vote.
9. Extraordinary General Meeting
a) The Management Committee may call an EGM at anytime, stating the business to be transacted and giving clubs and organisations at least 21 days notice in writing.
b) An EGM may also be called by 6 clubs or organisations providing that they are appropriately affiliated to England Squash & Racketball. A letter signed by an officer from all six organisations must be lodged with the WSRA secretary giving details of the business which it is proposed to discuss. The EGM must be held within 28 days of the receipt of such letter.
c) A representative from each club or organisation calling the EGM must be in attendance at the EGM.
d) Voting entitlement is the same as for an AGM (see para 8h)
10. Alterations to Constitution
Alterations to this constitution can be changed only at an AGM or EGM and require a 75% majority of those present and entitled to vote.
11. Dissolution
In the event that dissolution of the WSRA is necessary, the assets of the WSRA should be converted into cash in order to discharge any liabilities. Any balance remaining must be transferred, with a closing balance sheet and report, to England Squash & Racketball as the National Governing Body.